Inspire and encourage healthy living, active minds, and creativity... as a family with these resources. 

NEW FOR KIDS! Daily 12 Burst Challenge!

Parents! Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity each day! Use this 12 Burst Challenge to help your child meet this goal. Visit the site, and have your child log 12 five-minute bursts of activity before bedtime each day. Are you up for the challenge? 

Hunter Museum's Virtual Hunter

Our friends at the Hunter Museum have launched a Virtual Hunter! Enjoy an archive of in-gallery experiences, stay engaged with at home activities, or explore their current exhibition -- all from your home! 

Join the Y

Increase energy, decrease stress, prevent illness, maintain a healthy weight, find personal balance, and enjoy quality time with family and friends... at the Y! We combine spirit, mind, and body in an integrated approach to well-being that goes beyond just fitness.

Learn More »

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. 

Our Mission to Inclusion: At the YMCA, we strongly believe we should all work together toward achieving a member environment that is welcoming for individuals, regardless of age, religion, abilities, gender or socioeconomic status. To achieve our mission of empowering all people to reach their full potential, the Y is committed to providing an environment that embodies our core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.