First and foremost, thank you in advance for your time and effort in supporting the 2024 Community Support Campaign. Together, we truly can strengthen the foundations of community. 



Your support with the campaign is making it possible for the Y to ensure that no one is turned away due to inability to pay. Annually, the campaign will support thousands of Chattanooga area youth, families and individuals through character building Y programs that help them learn, grow and thrive. More importantly, through your sharing of the Y story, you are perpetuating the cause and mission of our organization.



The mission of the YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.



We work to help children, families and individuals overcome barriers and achieve more in the areas of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Y commits to:

  • Making the Y Available to All: The Y is committed to making its programs and memberships available to all, regardless of inability to pay.
  • Teaching Our Children to Swim: Through Safety Around Water (SAW), swim lessons and camps, we are committed to eliminating childhood drowning in the Chattanooga area.
  • Strengthening Community Health: By providing programs like YMCA Diabetes Prevention, Rock Steady, Pedaling for Parkinson's, and Food RX, we are making area residents healthier.
  • Creating Future Leaders: Programs YCAP, Link@The Y, and Youth Trust are making area youth and teens prepared to become future leaders.


  • Make Your Own Pledge

    It is easier to ask others to donate if you are personally committed. Secure a gift from your place of work or company (Company Matching Gifts), if applicable.
  • Attend a Training Session
    Training sessions are designed to help campaigners feel comfortable about asking people to support YMCA programs and services. You will be provided with the tools to be successful.
  • Attend the Branch Kickoff & Report Meetings

    You will receive your campaigner packet, meet other campaigners, and learn more about Y programs.
  • Visit Y Programs
    Schedule a Y program site visit. This is a great opportunity to see the impact of the Y firsthand. Personally Visit Prospects
Set appointments and personally visit each donor prospect to tell the Y story and secure their financial support. Clear all your proposed prospects with the Y staff prior to scheduling appointments.
  • Communicate and Report

    Communicate with your team captain or staff liaison on a weekly basis about pledges secured or prospects that declined.
  • Secure Goal & Attend Celebration

    Meet or exceed your campaign goal and help your team meet or exceed their goal before the end of the campaign. Attend the Branch Campaign Celebration to recognize efforts of all volunteers and staff.
  • Thank Your Donors

    All donors will receive a thank you letter from the YMCA. Campaigners are also encouraged to send a personal note of thanks.
  • Make Your Pledge First: The most important thing a campaigner can do to be successful is to make their own gift first. It is hard to ask others to give unless you have also supported the cause.
  • Know Your YMCA Case for Support: Be familiar with how your Y is using the campaign funds. Be able to interpret the campaign and the need for it. Know the facts and figures and relate your prospect's contribution to creating specific opportunities within the YMCA.
  • Visit the YMCA Programs: Prior to the campaign, visit a few of the programs. Nothing can take the place of seeing actual participants enjoying the programs. A tour of some of these programs can be easily arranged with your branch staff.
  • Make the Easiest Contact First: Look through all your pledge cards and pick the sure bet. Make that contact first. This first success will give you a boost and build confidence. It also gives you an opportunity to practice telling the YMCA story.
  • Plan Your Approach for Each Prospect: What is their relationship to the YMCA? What are their concerns about the community or youth? What are their interests? Plan how you will begin and end your request. Include information on programs that the donor might consider supporting. Know your donors past giving to the Y. Plan how much you will ask them to give or to increase their past pledge.
  • See Each Prospect Personally and Privately: The success rate is much higher when meeting face to face than via video conferencing. This also lends an atmosphere of importance and sincerity.
  • Share Your Y Story: Share your own involvement with the YMCA and the impact it has on you or your family. Also share stories about individuals and families that benefited from the YMCA's programs. Then relate the stories to how the donor's support can provide opportunities for others in the community.
  • Don't Leave the Card with the Donor: Typically, cards left with donors are rarely returned as donations. Offer to return at a later time if the donor has to think about it.
  • Focus on people, not dollars: When proposing a level of support, ask for the donor to consider connecting the donation to a program and/or number of people who would benefit from a gift. For example, ask the donor to consider sending 3 children to summer camp for a week, rather than asking for $2000. Keep it focused on people, not dollars.
  • Encourage pledging: Encourage donors to consider a pledge paid over multiple installments (monthly, quarterly, etc.) rather than a one time gift. For example, $5 per month would be only $60 pledge that covers swim instructions for a child. For many, paying $100 over 5 months is easier than a one-time $500 gift.
  • Ask about Matching Gifts Programs: Ask your donor if they know if their employer has a matching gift program. This could double the size of their support.
  • Thank them for their time and consideration: Even if you do not get a contribution, make a friend for the YMCA. Thank them for their time and pass their concerns or criticisms on to the staff.

1. Introduce yourself and the purpose of your visit. State that you are a volunteer doing this out of your personal belief in the Y and your strong conviction about its importance to the community. Share your feelings and tell your story about why the Y is important to you.

2. Ask questions that establish the prospect's understanding of the Y. Examples: What has been your experience with the Y? Do you and your children or friends use the facility and/or enjoy the programs? What do you think are the important roles the YMCA serves in our community? Do you know someone who has personally benefited from the Y?

3. Share your personal convictions about the Y and it's importance in the community. Make it a two-way conversation by sharing your story, then pausing so the prospect can contribute too. Example: Tell why you think the Y is important and share what your involvement has been.

4. State this year's case for giving. Become familiar with the Y's current case statement and use it to explain how the community will be better because of this valuable community asset.

5. Ask about the prospect's area of interest. What aspect of the Y do they feel mostly strongly about and why?

6. Ask for the gift. Refer to your own gift, and ask them to join you in giving. Use information from the prospect's area of interest to ask for a specific amount or range. Talk about program purpose, not just dollars. After asking, be silent and wait for the prospect to respond to your request.

7. Take out the pledge card only after they have agreed to contribute.

8. Ask about matching gifts. Many companies match gifts to the Y. Check with the Y office if they have questions about this process.

9. Confirm their commitment. Complete the pledge card with the donor to ensure all information is accurate. Ask the donor to sign and date the pledge card. Feel free to write in additional information on the pledge card as needed.

10. Thank the donor for their generosity. You've done it!


The pledge card is critical to the campaign operation. Every effort is made to ensure there is only one card per prospect. Campaigners may request a certain donor's card, but should not call to set up an appointment with the prospect until getting approval from staff. This is done to ensure that each prospect only gets solicited once.


  • Print your name on the campaigner's name line so the gift will be credited to you and your team.
  • Verify the donor's name, address, phone numbers and email address. Note any changes on the card.
  • Ask if the donor's company matches gifts. If the company does match, please indicate company/organization in the space provided.
  • Get the prospect's signature if he/she pledges. The signature emphasizes the commitment and is required.
  • Indicate the donor's wishes to be recognized in printed material by filling in their request for acknowledgment. A donor may wish to be anonymous.
  • Fill in the details of payments if the donor wishes to pay in installments.
  • Note if the donor would like to pay by credit card, they can give online at or they can contact the branch or Development Office with the number provided. If more convenient, the YMCA office can also follow up with them for information. Note: Do not take credit card information.
  • Gifts of stock and securities are graciously accepted by the YMCA. Forms are available at each branch. The donor may request information by marking the box provided.

The YMCA is a private not-for-profit, human service organization funded by membership and program fees, contributions from YMCA friends, corporations, foundations and grants. The YMCA operates day and resident camps, family programs, youth programs, senior programs, childcare, community outreach sites, afterschool sites and much more.


    Funds that are received from United Way are used for specific programming needs that are not funded by the branch's campaign funds.

    Your dues cover the costs of Y membership. Additional dollars are needed to subsidize programs and provide financial assistance. The YMCA needs your support in this campaign to reach into the community and provide safe, high quality, character-building programs for all.

    Yes. The YMCA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Charitable gifts to the YMCA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of tax laws.

    Your support is still needed. The YMCA provides meaningful opportunities for young people to grow into responsible adults and provides every participant a safe and loving environment. The YMCA makes your community a better place to live and work.

    Each year, contributions help the YMCA deliver vital programs and services. You can pledge now and pay later in the year. The YMCA can bill you one time or in installments.

    Listen to and record the complaint. Assure the individual that you will follow up with the YMCA and that someone will get back with them. The YMCA will respond to any concern. Once people feel their concerns have been heard, they will be more likely to listen to your request for support.

    100& of the campaign money raised in our campaign stays in our community. Also, 100% of your donation is used directly to support subsidized programs and scholarships and no portion of the money is used for administrative costs.

    For assistance, call your local campaign leaders or branch staff.

Tips to Become a Successful Online Campaigner

Best Practices When Creating a Campaigner Page

1. Make your personal statement paragraph just that, personal! Tell potential donors why you are passionate about the Y.

2. Use a great photo to support your personal statement or link to a campaign video.

3. Proofread your content. Don't distract a donor with spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Best Practices for Sharing Your Campaigner Page

1. Conduct personal visits with your top prospects first.

2. Carefully select your list of prospects for electronic solicitation.

3. Don't mass email. If possible, send personal messages to each prospect.

4. Keep your message short. This is especially important when posting on Facebook. Long posts get overlooked.

5. Include a link in your email or social media post to direct them to more information where they can also donate.

6. Send a follow up email a couple weeks after the first message to highlight progress and/or denote urgency.

7. Online donors receive an automated thank you and donation receipt email from the YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga. Campaigners are encouraged to follow up with a personal email of thanks as well.

8. Prioritize donors for future cultivation.

Get Started

Visit and click the "Become a Fundraiser" button to begin fundraising by promoting your Campaigner page to family and friends through email and social media.




We encourage you to write a note to prospects that give as well as prospects with which you converse, but may not obtain a gift. Thank them for their time and consideration.

Suggestions for notes when a contribution is made:

  • Thank you for supporting the YMCA Community Support Campaign. Your gift makes a difference.
  • Thank you for your support, which provides us the resources to offer financial assistance to those in our community who would not otherwise be able to participate in Y programs.
  • Thank you for changing the life of someone in our community.

Suggestions for when they have declined to make a pledge:

  • Thank you for taking the time to hear the YMCA story. I hope you will be able to support the Community Support Campaign at a later date.
  • I enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for being a member of the YMCA.

Address your note card and give it to a YMCA staff member. We are happy to mail these important notes on your behalf. 



All annual donations of $1,200 or more to the Community Support Campaign qualify the donor for membership in the Chairman's Round Table. This special group of individuals, companies, organizations and foundations are recognized for their generous support through our donor boards at each branch.

Members: $1,000 - $2,499

Sponsors: $2,500 - $4,999

Partners: $5,000 - $9,999

Benefactors: $10,000 - $24,999

Distinguished Benefactors: $25,000 & above 


Join the Y

Increase energy, decrease stress, prevent illness, maintain a healthy weight, find personal balance, and enjoy quality time with family and friends... at the Y! We combine spirit, mind, and body in an integrated approach to well-being that goes beyond just fitness.

Learn More »

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. 

Our Mission to Inclusion: At the YMCA, we strongly believe we should all work together toward achieving a member environment that is welcoming for individuals, regardless of age, religion, abilities, gender or socioeconomic status. To achieve our mission of empowering all people to reach their full potential, the Y is committed to providing an environment that embodies our core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.