Address & Contacts
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Today's Hours
Address & Contacts
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Today's Hours
Y-CAP is an early intervention and prevention program for youth ages 10-15 who have been referred to us either through the juvenile court system or the school system. Each student and their family has a personalized treatment plan which addresses their educational, behavioral, and spiritual needs, including mentoring, tutoring, hot meals, family nights and group therapy.
Y-CAP Outcomes
Noticeably improved behavior at school and home, fewer juvenile court appearances, academic improvements and more.
Y-CAP hosts three different site locations:
Y-CAP Chattanooga
1600 Central Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37408
423-290-8719 or
Y-CAP Brainerd
1010 North Moore Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37411
423-494-5221 or
Y-CAP Cleveland
1305 Smith Drive SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
276-952-8675 or
Y-CAP Impact
Join the Y
Increase energy, decrease stress, prevent illness, maintain a healthy weight, find personal balance, and enjoy quality time with family and friends... at the Y! We combine spirit, mind, and body in an integrated approach to well-being that goes beyond just fitness.
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